Coaching is a creative partnership process that challenges thoughts and enables the emergence of different perspectives in order to maximize the potential and performance of students. Within the student coaching program, studies are carried out to clearly determine the student's goal and achieve it. Those activities are as follows:

+ Goal Setting
+ Conducting tests regarding career choice and self-knowledge
+ Determining the student's strengths and areas that need improvement with SWOT Analysis
+ Clarifying which subjects require emotional support and which subjects require academic support, and providing the necessary support on these issues (e.g. emotional support such as exam anxiety or academic support from courses deemed necessary)
+ Motivation studies
+ Always be with the student during the overseas placement process
In short, the content of student coaching consists of getting to know the student, helping him/her to know himself/herself, choosing the right school and profession, and providing the emotional, motivational and academic support needed to achieve this goal.


Parenthood is one of the most satisfying feelings in the lives of mothers and fathers. At the same time, It may caAbout Use them to compromise on many things about themselves. Sometimes they struggle to balance work, relationships, finances and children. they have difficulty. They also have to consider the needs of their children. They need to make good About Use of their resources. There may be times when they can not manage the way they want. Sometimes they feel overwhelmed, confAbout Used, stressed and unhappy and the situation reflects on their children in a similar way.

Coaching helps parents to achieve their dreams and desires.It's like a professional friendship that helps to examine their circumstances, beliefs, and values and adapts the programme to their settings to their needs and goals. Whatever they want to achieve, it is never a problem, They and their resources are accepted as they are.
We aim to develop the following areas with the coaching and mentoring programme:
+ Good time management and coordination skills
+ Improving your communication with your spoAbout Use
+ Ability to have more enjoyable time for yourself
+ Looking at life from a more positive perspective
+ Greater self-confidence as an individual and as a parent
+ Better focAbout Us
+ Higher energy
+ Understanding yourself and your emotions better
+ Better communication skills
+ More empathy
+ Better understanding of love language and the ability to About Use it in parenting
+ The ability to make time for your own personal development
+ A more satisfying relationship with your family and environment
+ Ability to motivate oneself
+ Learning the necessary techniques for emotional control

Tests performed in our company are as follows:
+ Moxo Test
+ D2 Attention Test
+ Professional interest inventory
+ Agte
+ Frankfurter concentration and attention test
+ Knowing the individual inventory
+ Professional maturity inventory
+ Exam anxiety scale