- Kontrol etme, dikkat yönetimi ve planlama yeteneğini geliştirir.
- Dikkat çeldiricilerin olduğu ortamda görev yerine getirme yeteneğini geliştirir.
- 2 dil kullanarak güçlenen hafıza kası çok farklı konularda da yeteneklerimizi güçlendirecektir.
- Beynimizin (prefrontal cortex) ileri işlemci bölümünü güçlendirdiği gözlemlenmiştir.
- Beyin merkezini oluşturan gri maddenin hacmini artırarak beyinde hücre sayısını artırır ki bu da sağlıklı bir beyinin göstergesidir.
- Nöronlar arasındaki bağlantıyı destekler.
- 25 yaştan sonra beyinde düşüşe geçen hafıza, etkililik, işleme hızı gibi özelliklerin frene basarak düşüş hızını yavaşlatır.
Kategori: Genel
TOMER Diploma

TOMER (Türkçe Öğretim Merkezi) “Turkish Teaching Center” is the center established by Ankara University ruled by Council of Higher Education has become the authority in Turkey to evaluate the level of Turkish knowledge for different purposes. In time, it has been opened inside several universities as well always under control of the university where it stays in, mostly to be able to provide Turkish language for foreign students who have alrady been accepted to the university. Usually to study in Turkish Universities’ Turkish departments, students are supposed to provide TOMER diploma with minimum B2 level or they have to study for one year preparation class for one year. One of the conditions to get accepted to Turkish Universities is naturally reaching the sufficient level in Turkish and proving it by document officially.
TOMER exam is run each week on the same day as online as well for those who live abroad in the universities having TOMER inside. In this way, of course students can get trained anywhere face to face or remotely until they complete all the levels in Turkish. When they are ready for it they can apply online by following universities’ web sites to attend the exam. After paying the exam fee and getting enrolled they can attend the exam. Online exam is recorded and in case of any suspicion of cheating during exam, it is canceled and the student loses the chance of repeating the exam since it is saved on the system. Usually the structure of the exam is as follows: it consist of three parts: written part including grammer and vocabulary, reading part including texts with questions and speaking part. Pronounciation and listening skills are evaluated during speaking performance of the student. At the end of the exam Turkish level of the students is specified like A1-A2 B1-B2 or C1 in line with CEFR (The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) https://www.coe.int/en/web/common-european-framework-reference-languages